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Tata AIA Waiver of Premium Plus Rider Plan, Policy, Premium and Maturity Calculator

Tata AIA Waiver of Premium Plus Rider Plan, Policy, Premium and Maturity Calculator - (An exclusive Premium Paying Rider designed for the Proposer of the Base Policy)

A Total Permanent Disability due to accident or sickness of the earning member can cause serious financial strain on a family. Given all the unexpected expenses, paying life insurance premiums might become a struggle. At times, the inability to pay life insurance premiums in such a situation would result in cancellation of coverage.

Presenting, Tata AIA Life Insurance Waiver of Premium Plus Rider which ensures that the insurance benefits continue if the premiums cannot be paid due to death of the Life Insured * or in case of Total Permanent Disability of the Life Insured

* The Life Insured for this rider is the proposer of the Base Policy.

Tata AIA Life Insurance Waiver of Premium Plus Rider - Benefits

  • In case of Death or Total Permanent Disability of the Life Insured, due to accident or sickness, all the future contractual premiums of the Base Policy will be waived till remaining premium paying term of the Base Policy.
  • This Rider can be attached to the Base Policy at inception only, provided the age of the Life Insured at the end of the premium paying term of the Base Policy, does not exceed 65 years.
  • Life Insured under the Base Policy and Life Insured under this Rider are different individuals for cases where the Life insured under the Base Policy, is a child/ adult i.e. subject to insurable interest.
  • This Rider is designed for the Proposer of the Base Policy, who pays the premium for Base Policy, where the Life Insured may be minor/non-earning major children/spouse where in the Proposer may be parent/spouse.
  • Premiums paid under this plan are eligible for tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and are subject to modifications made thereto from time to time.

Tata AIA Life Insurance Waiver of Premium Plus Rider is available with Tata AIA Life Insurance Mahalife Gold Plus, Tata AIA Life Insurance Mahalife Gold, Tata AIA Life Insurance Money Maxima, Tata AIA Life Insurance Mahalife Magic, Tata AIA Life Insurance Mahalife Supreme, Tata AIA Life Insurance Secure 7, Tata AIA Life Insurance Smart 7, Tata AIA Life Insurance Fortune Guarantee, Tata AIA Life Insurance Freedom, Tata AIA Life Insurance Monthly Insurance Plan, Tata AIA Life Insurance Smart Income Plus.

For a detailed list of exclusions/conditions, please refer the rider brochure.

TATA AIA Life Insurance - Riders Plan, Policy, Premium and Maturity Calculator