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Baroda Pioneer Liquid Mutual Fund

Investment Objective

To generate income with a high level of liquidity by investing in a portfolio of money market and debt securities.

Baroda Pioneer Liquid Mutual Fund - Plans

The Schemes have two plans thereunder, viz. Plan A and Plan B (Direct).  Under the Regular Plan of Baroda Pioneer Treasury Advantage Fund and Baroda Pioneer Liquid Fund, effective October 01, 2012, no fresh/additional subscriptions are accepted in the Regular Plan.

Plan B (Direct) is meant for direct investments, i.e. for investors who purchase/subscribe to the units of the Scheme directly with the Fund and is not available for investors who route their investments through a Distributor, while Plan A is meant for investors who route their investments through distributors only.

Both Plans will have a common portfolio but Plan B (Direct) will have a lower expense on account of absence of brokerage and commission. Hence both plans will have distinct NAVs.

Baroda Pioneer Liquid Mutual Fund - Options

  • Growth
  • Daily Dividend
  • Weekly Dividend
Under each Dividend Option:
  • Payout
  • Reinvestment
Note: The Daily Dividend Option does not have the Payout Sub-Option.
Benchmark Index
CRISIL Liquid Fund Index
Fund Manager
Alok Sahoo & Hetal Shah
Load Applicability
Entry Load – Nil
Exit Load - Nil
Minimum Application Amount
Purchase : Rs. 5,000/- and in multiples of Re. 1/- thereafter
Additional Purchase : Rs. 1,000/- and in multiples of Re. 1/- thereafter
Rs.1000/- and in multiples of Re. 1/- thereafter per installment, where an investor opts for a monthly SIP
Rs. 1500/- per installment, where an investor ops for a quarterly SIP.
Rs. 1000/- and in multiples of Re. 1/- thereafter per installment, where an investor opts for a monthly SIP
Rs. 1500/- per installment, where an investor ops for a quarterly SIP.
Asset Allocation
% of Total Assets
Risk Profile
Money Market
Securitiesed Debt
Low to Medium
Debt Instruments
Low to Medium
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