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Kotak Ace Investment Saving and Investment Life Insurance Plan and Policy

Kotak Ace Investment Saving and Investment Life Insurance Plan and Policy - The Kotak Ace Investment Plan is an investment-oriented unit linked insurance plan (ULIP) that provides liquidity, flexibility and a host of fund options to choose from. The plan aims to streamline your investments and create wealth in the long run. The various fund options are aptly suited for both aggressive and cautious investors. The policy also secures the future of your loved ones through a life cover payable at death of policyholder.

Features - Kotak Ace Investment Saving and Investment Life Insurance Plan and Policy

  • 7 distinct fund options are available to choose from, giving a mix of both equity-intensive funds and the safer debt-based funds.
  • Option to switch between the available funds providing you with flexibility in creating investment strategies.
  • Comprehensive life insurance cover.
  • Premium can be paid in monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual frequencies.
  • Free look period of 15 days.

Benefits - Kotak Ace Investment Saving and Investment Life Insurance Plan and Policy

  • Partial withdrawals are allowed from 6th policy year onwards. The fund value can be availed as periodic payouts or as lump sum once the policy matures.
  • Death benefit paid out to your nominees is the higher of sum assured minus any partial withdrawals, or 105% of all premium paid till death, or fund value of primary account. In addition to this, the higher of top-up sum assured minus partial withdrawals, or fund value of top-up account, or 105% of top-up premiums paid.
  • Top-up sum assured to be paid out if top-up premiums were opted for during the policy tenure.
  • Payouts can be selected as either lump sum, regular instalments or combination of lump sum and instalments.
  • Maturity benefits paid out in terms of accumulated fund value.

Eligibility - Kotak Ace Investment Saving and Investment Life Insurance Plan and Policy

  • Customers within 0 to 60 years of age can avail this life insurance policy.
  • Age of policyholder at maturity should be within 18 to 75 years.
  • Policy terms available in variants of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.
  • Limited premium payment term of 5 years for 10 years policy term, and 10 years for 15, 20, 25 or 30 years policy terms. Regular premium payment plan will see premium collections throughout the policy tenure.
  • Regular premium plan minimum premium amounts of Rs.30,000 (yearly), Rs.18,000 (half-yearly), Rs.9,000 (quarterly) and Rs.3,000 (monthly).
  • Limited premium payment plan minimum premium amounts of Rs.50,000 (yearly), Rs.30,00 (half-yearly), Rs.15,000 (quarterly) and Rs.5,000 (monthly).
  • No maximum cap on premium amounts in both regular and limited premium variants.
  • For applicants under 45 years (entry age), minimum sum assured is higher of either (10*AP) or (0.5*policy term*AP). Maximum sum assured is 25*AP. AP=Annual Premium.
  • For applicants over 45 years (entry age), minimum sum assured is higher of either (7*AP) or (0.25*policy term*AP). Maximum sum assured is capped at 25*AP.
  • Minimum top-up premium of Rs.10,000, maximum capped at sum of all regular premiums paid.
  • Top-up sum assured of 1.25*top-up premium (below 45 years at the time of top-up) and 1.10*top-up premium (including and above 45 years).

Kotak Saving and Investment Life Insurance Plans and Policy