PNB MetLife Money Back Plan Plan, Policy, Premium and Maturity Calculator - This is a plan of PNB Metlife that gives two guarantees – that your family and dependants will be financially covered should the worst come to pass for you, and that you will earn your money back- guaranteed.
EntryAge |
MaturityAge | Maximum – 65 years. |
Sum Assured | Minimum: Rs.2,50,000. Maximum: Rs.5,00,00,000. |
Type | Guaranteed Money Back Plan, Non-Participating. |
Coverage | Death Benefit – In the event the life insured dies, 100% of the sum assured is paid to the nominee irrespective of the survival benefits already paid.
Survival Benefit – The life insured will receive 10% of the chosen base sum assured as survival benefits on completing 5thpolicy year till the 9th policy year. Maturity Benefit – On completing the policy term, the policyholder will be entitled to get 60% of the sum assured at the end of the policy term.
Basis | Single. |
Policy term | 10 years. |
Premium paying Term | Regular |
Premium paying mode | The premiums can be paid annually, half-yearly, monthly and by Payroll Savings Program. The modal factors are applied as follows:
Guaranteed surrender value | If the premiums are paid for 3 full policy year and the policy has been in force for 3 full policy years, the policy will acquire a guaranteed surrender value. The GSV is 30% of the total amount of premiums paid excluding the premium paid for the first policy year. |
Loans | Loan is provided against the policy. The maximum loan amount offered is limited to 90% of the cash surrender value of the end of the relevant policy year. The rate of interest is determined by the company. |
Tax benefits | Tax benefits are applicable as per applicable taxation laws.
You can avail tax benefits under Section 80C and Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. |
Grace Period | There is a grace period of 30 days on non-payment of the unpaid premium. 15 days in the case of monthly and PSP modes. |
Free Look Period | There is a free look period of 15 days from the date of receipt of policy documents. |
Reinstatement | When the premiums are not paid within the grace period, the policy will lapse and is subject to non-forfeiture provisions.
Reinstatement can be requested up to 3 years from the date of the first non-paid premium. Reinstatement is subject to receipt of a letter showing proof of insurability along with a formal request for reinstatement, and all the unpaid premiums, along with interest. All premiums due till the date of reinstatement must be paid along with compound interest at the rate prescribed by the company. Revival fees is Rs.250. |
Termination | The policy stands terminated on the earliest among the following scenarios:
Exclusion |
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